My scope of work includes editorial illustration, advertising and children's book illustration. My works are created using both traditional and digital techniques. In between illustrating, I'm fond of travelling around the world, observing people and nature as well as collecting stories and beautiful things.
Illustrator, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Legendenquartett; Nodabl; University of Portland; Aschmann Ruegge Architekten AG; Habitat Architektur & Entwicklung GmbH; Grace Chocolate, China; Clarivate Analytics, UK; ROX Jewellery, UK; Curiosity Music; Asateer Design Studio; Casa Grande University of Guayaquil, Ecuador; The Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum; Books Unbound; Yoga Trinity; HAUTO; CPH Allè; Presenceoud Luxury Oil; DESY research center; Kantonsarchäologie Zurich.